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Photo by Nina Himmelreich
Norwegian-born, Liverpool-based singer Skia has shared her latest single ‘IDWTAI’, which is an acronym for ‘I Don’t Wanna Talk About It’. The tune follows her debut track ‘Anyone’. For the new recording, Skia taps into a tropical Scandipop sound twisted with an 80s flair. Making a stance that it’s OK to not want to talk about what she may be feeling or things from the past, the song is a feel-good soundtrack for the internal.
Regarding the song, Skia wrote:
“‘IDWTAI’ is a track about all the feelings I don’t wanna talk about. It can be stress of the future, fear of moving on from something, or a flashback to something I’ve done that makes me cringe and that I really don’t wanna talk or think about ever again.”