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Umarells Return with Their Touching Single ‘One More Day’

Photo by Kitty Handley

Manchester band Umarells are set to drop their forthcoming debut EP One More Day on November 8th. The news arrived back in July around the release of their song ‘June’. The group now return with their new single, which is also the title track of the new record.

‘One More Day’ is a gorgeous slice of indie that has an air of melancholy to it. With the track touching on a friend who is sorely missed, the vocals of singer Imogen Badrock totally pull at the heart strings. Beautiful to the core, this is an incredible cut from Umarells, who are surely ready to leave a huge mark in music.

Touching on ‘One More Day’, Umarells stated:

“‘June’ is the epitome of the lighter days coming in through a dark winter; someone who pulls you out of a depressive slump by just being around. Seeing the sun through your curtains after countless grey days.”

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