All posts tagged: electro pop

Hugh Interview

Consisting of poet, songwriter and vocalist Joshua Idehen, producer Andy Highmore, guitarist Martin 'Tino' Kolarides and singer Izzy Brooks, there is an emotive blanket that lays atop the music of Hugh, perfectly sewn together by each member's thread of eclecticism. Their current EP titled "I Can't Figure You Out" is an elegant intermix of electronica, soul, r&b, pop and alternative - all topped with an air of romanticism, easily making this record one of the highlights of the year. With the title track of the EP getting rave reviews including play from BBC Radio 6 presenter Tom Ravenscroft, this may only be the fine brush strokes leading to ultimately a debut full-length masterpiece.

We Were Evergreen “Daughters” Video

We Were Evergreen unveils the official video for their single "Daughters", which is out 3rd March. Directed by Dominique Rocher, the video concept was inspired by Zbigniew Rybczynski's 1981 animation "Tango". While theatrical in every sense of the word, the clip features multiple women moving around a set performing actions such as filling a bathtub manually, hanging a picture, cleaning, and even climbing out of a chest. Frantic indeed, We Were Evergreen delivers a great video to an excellent track. Check it out.