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Poppy Ajudha Returns with ‘Girl Next Door’

Poppy Ajudha has shared her latest single ‘Girl Next Door’. Produced by Wes Singerman and Tyler Blake Dexter, the track comes after her explosive performance at Pride Festival in London.

Soulful and bouncy, ‘Girl Next Door’ is a nostalgic R&B tune splashed with a 90s sensibility. With the song revolving around an almost love at first sight moment with the possibilities of what could be, Poppy Ajudha delivers nothing but sheer confidence and poise throughout the track. With a keen ear for knowing how to craft hits, Poppy Ajudha is more than ready to grab the crown of the scene.

Regarding the single, Poppy Ajudha said:

“This song was written around the time of wanting to escape from New Cross Gate, where I was from, to hopes of stardom in LA. I had done a few trips and realised I loved writing music there and loved the people I met. Due to the pandemic I couldn’t travel and so I made ‘Girl Next Door’ on Zoom with producers Wes & Tay, who I’d connected with when writing ‘Holiday From Reality’ on my last LA trip.

This song is about falling in love with a girl who moved in next door and after a very cute first date I got into bed and had the “girl next door” lyric and melody hook in my head. I sung it into my voice memos and the next morning went to the piano to try and develop the song.”

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