CR Interviews, Highlight

Josephine Interview

Photography by Jamal Smith
Styling by Jason Griffin
Words by Art Jefferson

Italian singer Josephine creates dance and electronic music that exudes sensuality and passion with rhythms that moves the dance floor. At glance, the first noticeable thing would be the high level of classic Italian chicness…sexy, stylish and edgy. However, there is much more to the European vocalist and her music is a reflection of a variety of feelings and moods that transcends the exterior. While working on new material, Josephine created a mixtape titled “Josephine Legacy”, a vocal version of some of the Daft Punk tunes from the Tron Legacy Soundtrack. As the countdown has started, the music world is patiently bracing itself for the Josephine explosion.

AJ-How long have you been singing and performing and what drew you to electronic music? Give me a little Josephine history.

J-The first thing I can remember was, when I stood in my moms high heels and made a dress out of her silk blouse, performing. I must have been 5 years old. I’m European, so electronic music is our gospel and country music. I come from a Sicilian background and my parents have been strong characters in my life, good and bad. Through my father I experienced the godfather lifestyle at a very young age and my mom has always been my icon… elegance, class and sex appeal.

AJ-Let’s discuss the “Legacy Mixtape”. I know that it’s inspired from the Daft Punk work. What made you decide to vocal some tracks?

J-I have been a fan of Daft Punk so I went online and checked out the Tron soundtrack. Immediately the inspiration drizzled over me. Without even trying I just started writing to it and I wanted to do more. The next thing you know, I had a body of work! I refused to see the movie until I was done with my work. I just wanted to be in this mystery until the end. When I watched the movie afterward I was glad, because I gave the music a different perspective than what the movie is about. I made it my own.

AJ-Talk about the inspiration behind your song “The Darkest Side Of Me”. Was that based on a personal experience?

J-“Darkest Side Of Me”…mmmhhh. Love to me has two sides. I wanted to talk about the dark side of love; the kind of love that brings out a different side of you. It was more of a melancholic feeling I had when the track started. One side made me cry and one side was really sexy

AJ-You also have a great sense of style. Is fashion another avenue that you have been covering? Also, talk about the importance of style in terms of an artist branding her or himself.

J-A true artist is one that expresses the art through every angle, music, style and personality. My fashion is my personality. It determines how i feel about myself. Josephine is a lifestyle and a culture, not just an image. I want my fans to feel something different when they put on my record, and dress themselves like the music makes them feel.
For artists now a days branding is everything, because the audience is not just satisfied with a hot tune for couple of weeks. It has to be something they can, and want to go back to.

AJ-The state of music has changed drastically with the digital age. Some people have said that it allows an artist to have a little more control while others have said that the new digital age has hurt the industry. How do you view this?

J-I’ve been growing up in this century so I do not know anything different, but we have definitely lost the part of buying a record and having to wait until it comes out and stand in line in front of tower records to get the CD. But with this knew age of the music industry, we have to embrace the digital world. There are many great things that came with that. You can’t be afraid of change, otherwise you will be stuck in the past.
Also, as an artist you have more power to be creative. We have bigger platforms and there are other ways to get in the game than sleeping with the music executive.

AJ-I’m sure you have been in the studio working on some new material? What can we expect and will there be a good amount of electronic and club tracks or will it be a wide range of musical styles?

J-Yes I have been working with some amazing people. I cant disclose any names yet, but I wont let you down as far as music goes. Definitely club and electronic, but it will have different vibes and inspirations.

AJ-Finally, how would you describe the artist known as Josephine?

J-Decadent, cultured, elegant, and raw! But Josephine still is warm and humble.

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