All posts tagged: Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs

Hijacked Festival at Powderham Castle, May 30th, Devon

As we head into the final countdown to Saturday May 30th, electronic music, art and culture festival Hijacked Festival 2015 | Exeter has added even more music artists to the lineup, and announced an arts roster that really sets it apart from the crowd. Joining Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs, Artwork, Congo Natty, Dark Sky, Disciples, Mak & Pasteman and more on the lineup are the almighty Ms Dynamite, house face Bok Bok and feel-good party duo The Menendez Brothers, among others.

Noisily Festival, July 11-14th, 2014, Leicester

Set deep in the rolling hills of Leicestershire at the heart of rural England, Noisily Festival of Electronic Music and Arts lies in one of the most beautiful wooded valleys in the country. Totally contained amongst the trees creating a safe haven where hedonism and escapism can flourish and thrive, Noisily Festival 2014 will play host to some of the most exciting musical talent from the UK and abroad, along with a plethora of performance, innovative installations and mind bending visual arts.