All posts tagged: swiss jazz

KAOS Protokoll’s ‘New Chapter’ is a Deep Journey into Musical Expressionism

Jazz - a music that has been a source of cultural and spiritual connections of a people trapped in a cruel web of uncertainty; a sound that has undergone multiple transformations over decades whilst simultaneously taking the world by storm. This was the form of expression for a charismatic trumpeter from New Orleans to a North Carolina-born saxophonist who used it to communicate to the heavens above, proving the ultimate supremacy was that of love. Yet in 2018 with the general public's ears being more attuned to synth-driven pop songs or bass-quaking trap music, where jazz stands in the mainstream psyche is indeed that of question. However the counter question is, does it really matter? When the music is produced with passion, heart and respect it will find its way to touch the emotions of people.