All posts tagged: Haplo

Twin Limb Release a Stunning Debut LP with ‘Haplo’

Twin Limb's sound has been described as everything ranging from dream pop, post-punk and dark folk, on down to psychedelic. Whilst many of those elements can indeed be found in their music, there is something 'other' about what they create. Self-releasing their debut EP 'Anything Is Possible And Nothing Makes Sense' back in late 2015, their original sound took a re-shaping with the adding of third member Kevin Ratterman (the band previously only consisted of Maryliz Bender and Lacey Guthrie). The record was packed with sweet melodies gliding head-on with hazy, gorgeous and sometimes haunting instrumentation. In a way, this was the perfect set-up to their full-length 'Haplo', which is the band's mastering of their elevating, gumbo mixture of genres.