All posts tagged: greece
The Parthenon, goddesses, Olympians, Plato, and lengthy engravings in the pages of history are immediate thoughts when discussing the city of Athens, Greece. However, if you scroll past the usual topics of talk pieces regarding Athens, and focus your attention on the creative happenings of the city, what you will discover are artists and musicians redefining a new meaning of Greek identity and modern cool. Fever Kids, the group consisting of singer, musician and songwriter Stella Chronopoulou aka Σtella and Alex, the guitarist for Keep Shelly in Athens, are fostering a wave of polished pop that is undeniably riveting.
Stream Fever Kids’ “Holding Grass”
Hailing from Athens, Greece are Fever Kids, the new music collaboration between Keep Shelly in …
Keep Shelly in Athens Unveils “Old Time Glory”
As the saying goes, “all good things come to an end”…well sort of. In terms …
Listen to Osunlade’s “Basement Mix”
Mr. Osunlade delivers another deep house mix to warm up your week. As always, the …
Download Osunlade’s “The System”
When Osunlade released his “Pyrography” LP back in 2011, he stated that this would be …