Belfast group New Portals follow-up their last track ‘Stay Here Tonight’ with a spacey cutting …
Having gained praises for their work in The Jepettos, brother/sister duo Mike and Ruth Aicken now bring the band and their New Portals group together on one platform with the EP 'VCR & Chill'. The concept behind the new record is a select batch of New Portals tracks now remixed with The Jepettos resulting in a beautiful twist of indie folk and creamy, delicate pop. The project is a fine showcasing of the versatility of styles that the Aicken siblings have under their sleeves.

Belfast siblings Thom and Lucy Southern rock out in their new video ‘Lone Driver’. With …

DJ Zinc gets a summertime remix special of his song “Show Me” thanks to drum …

This is a kind of unexpected remix by Noir but a pleasant one none the …
Space Dimension Controller gives away "MK Zero 900" as a free download.