All posts tagged: animation

The Singularity Series by Alex Chappo

Created by CHAPPO frontman Alex Chappo, 'The Singularity' is a six-part animated series which follows the adventures of an astronaut character named Rene Cogito into a trippy journey into a black hole with the intent on saving the world. Quite the entertainment, the music throughout each episode is also provided by NYC band CHAPPO, which is really amazing.

‘Missing One Player’ by Lei Lei

Chinese artist Lei Lei explores the melancholic side of life in his visually vibrant latest work entitled 'Missing One'. Shown via Nowness, the lack of storyline in the short film helps to emphasis to the bigger picture which is the general apathy that exists between humans. The title points reference at the game of mahjong, in which commonly four players participate. Three players roam the streets in search of one more, yet finds it difficult task. In response to his film, Lei Lei told Nowness: "The lack of sympathy among people has made me feel very strange and sad."