All posts tagged: african rhythms

Lady Vendredi Interview

If Nwando Ebizie appears to be unlike any other artist out here today, it’s because she’s not. The musician, producer, dancer, DJ and performance artist is more like a renaissance woman whose experimental presentations have dazzled audiences not only in theatres but have also captured the ears of tastemakers like Gilles Peterson. Working under the moniker of Lady Vendredi, her work is a clashing of culture and sound topped with a dressing of afro-futurism.

ColoRising Interview with Lady Vendredi

If Nwando Ebizie appears to be unlike any other artist out here today, it’s because she’s not. The musician, producer, dancer, DJ and performance artist is more like a renaissance woman whose experimental presentations have dazzled audiences not only in theatres but have also captured the ears of tastemakers like Gilles Peterson. Working under the moniker of Lady Vendredi, her work is a clashing of culture and sound topped with a dressing of afro-futurism.