Photo by Marilena Vlachopoulou
Scotland’s Theo Bleak made headway with her 2024 single ‘You Said I’d Feel It All Again’, gaining spins on BBC 1, as well as Radio 2, just to name a few. With the the latest announcement of her forthcoming EP Bad Luck Is Two Yellow Flowers landing May 15th on the Polymoon label, Theo Bleak has also shared her latest single ‘Peach Sky’.
‘Peach Sky’ is a touching and all-out beautiful indie folk track that blossoms gracefully with its cinematic production. Theo Bleak’s tender vocals are fantastic, fostering a moody, and emotive soundscape that is undeniable. A brilliant single release, this creates a high anticipation for her upcoming EP.
Regarding ‘Peach Sky’, Theo Bleak stated:
“I wrote the song from fragmented thoughts and observations I had kept record of, I wrote Peach Sky with Mark (Johnston) and Dan (Gatreau), while reflecting on the second time I lived and worked on the Isle of Skye,” Theo Bleak explains. “The morning I left the island to return home, the sky was a beautiful peach colour. I reflected on how impermanent my feelings were.”