Devi is a powerful short film directed by Priyanka Banerjee. Shot in India, the story revolves around a safe house full of women ranging in various ages, all who have suffered at the hands of abuse. The differences between age and experiences trigger heated arguments among the women before being interrupted by someone ringing the bell to be let in. The women are now forced to decide if there is enough room in the home to take on another victim, which sparks more yelling. Without giving away too much, the film is masterfully done, creating awareness on the issues of physical abuse and sexual assault, with tear-jerking moments throughout.
Siblings Say Lou Lou crept into the tail end of 2018 with one of the most enjoyable albums of the year. 'IMMORTELLE' is their latest LP which is a glorious mixture of cinematic pop, moody trip-hop and more. The pair's lead off single 'Golden Child' followed with an incredible video that could be considered more like a short film.
Russian brand Brier and award-winning director Daria Geller team-up for the fashion film 'Collapsology'. Presenting an interpretation of the idea of collapsology, which points to the idea that civilisations are bound to collapse. The stunning film stars actors Kirill and Vasilisa Izmaylova.
Teaming up with a number of British and Russian artists to make the long trek from Moscow to Siberia, musician Gruff Rhys documented to the journey in the short film titled 'The History of Nails', presented by Nowness. Commissioned by the British Council, Rhys also touches on the history of the Russian Futurist movement as well as the October Revolution.Shot on film, the video captures the idea of pushing forward with no looking back.
Director Andrea Pecora makes takes a look at obsessions in the most eye-catching way in his short 'Fiber Affair'. Teaming up with Mathery, the film features pastel decorated sets that depicts the lead actors performing random acts such as brushing lint off of their clothing. Flamboyant in a sense, 'Fiber Affair' is a set decorators wet dream.
NYC-based Mac Premo sits down with journalist Jad Abumrad to discuss the role of sound in his short film 'The Function of Music'. Stylistically shot with fun and clever designed coinciding with Jad's definition of music and the various feelings that it can provoke, this enjoyable piece is a must-watch for those who are fascinated with the topic of sound in general.
Created by CHAPPO frontman Alex Chappo, 'The Singularity' is a six-part animated series which follows the adventures of an astronaut character named Rene Cogito into a trippy journey into a black hole with the intent on saving the world. Quite the entertainment, the music throughout each episode is also provided by NYC band CHAPPO, which is really amazing.
Director Rogerio Silva depicts the trials and tribulations of a relationship through the art of dance in his short film 'Abaddon'. Starring choreographers Harriet Waghorn and Troy Savic, intimacy, suffering and rejuvenation are all brilliantly projected in the stunning and captivating work of art.
Director Matthew Freidell and writer Max Stossel create the perfect solution to aimlessly waiting on the subway in New York City on a hot day. Rather than miserably hoping that the train will hurry and arrive, why not actually make eye contact with the person next to you and allow human magic to happen. While this may only be a mere fantasy for those living in NYC, this video entitled 'Subway Love' is an amazing depiction of the possibilities.
Chinese artist Lei Lei explores the melancholic side of life in his visually vibrant latest work entitled 'Missing One'. Shown via Nowness, the lack of storyline in the short film helps to emphasis to the bigger picture which is the general apathy that exists between humans. The title points reference at the game of mahjong, in which commonly four players participate. Three players roam the streets in search of one more, yet finds it difficult task.
In response to his film, Lei Lei told Nowness:
"The lack of sympathy among people has made me feel very strange and sad."