NYC-based Mac Premo sits down with journalist Jad Abumrad to discuss the role of sound in his short film 'The Function of Music'. Stylistically shot with fun and clever designed coinciding with Jad's definition of music and the various feelings that it can provoke, this enjoyable piece is a must-watch for those who are fascinated with the topic of sound in general.
Director Matthew Freidell and writer Max Stossel create the perfect solution to aimlessly waiting on the subway in New York City on a hot day. Rather than miserably hoping that the train will hurry and arrive, why not actually make eye contact with the person next to you and allow human magic to happen. While this may only be a mere fantasy for those living in NYC, this video entitled 'Subway Love' is an amazing depiction of the possibilities.

If there is anyone who can present all things beautiful in one sitting, is director …

Herman Miller speaks with architect Kim Colin and industrial designer Sam Hecht about the teams …
Have you ever wanted to know the subtle differences between Paris and New York? Watch this funny motion graphics video and you will get an idea.